Living in Abundance


Living in Abundance is available to all of us. Learn how to break free from the scarcity mindset that has held you back from all that you want in your life. Move from fear, doubt, neediness and jealousy to a life full of abundance, faith, hope and gratitude!

Understanding Scarcity

In order to live in abundance, we really do have to recognize where scarcity is showing up in our lives. Our brains are really good at scarcity. And they’re really good at worrying and telling us that there’s not enough of something or that we must hold on to what we have. Then what it does is it creates this neediness and want and fear and doubt.

If we are being intentional with our lives, is that where we want to be coming from is doubt, fear, scarcity? What are the emotions that we want to drive us? I know that that’s not what I want to drive me.

Scarcity says what I have is not enough. In the shape of money, it looks like greediness or want, because simply because what money can buy for us right in time, scarcity says there’s never enough time and we’re hurried and rushed. When in reality, time exists outside of us, and it’s our minds that need to be managed, not time. Scarcity with food is the thing that really comes up for a lot of people is the fear of missing out that they are actually missing out on something.

And then in love, we just show up needy, seeking love and validation and connection, and we show up clingy, and then it actually does the opposite. It’s drives people away. As far as success, when scarcity shows up, we sit in jealousy, we may feel threatened by others and their success, and we’re envious of what other people want and what other people have.

And even in life itself or experiences, scarcity shows up in that. We’re so worried that our kids are growing up too fast, that we’re going to miss it because we’re so focused on that rather than being pressed. Also in life itself, if we’re worried that life is passing us by, and that there’s not enough of it, then it will pass us by and we’ll end up missing out on the here and the now and enjoying the things that we truly love to do.

So scarcity has lots of friends. And all of them leave us powerless. And you know enough about me by now. I’m all about standing in your own confidence and taking back your own personal power. All of these things leave us powerless. Scarcity’s friends are fear, shame, stress judgment of ourselves and others. Being competitive, overwhelm, acting frantic, self-pity,being hurried and also doubt. Scarcity has lots of friends and we think the scarcity is useful and it’s true, but it’s not. Our brains will tell us that it’s useful. And it’s true that that’s just reality. And I want you to open up to the, to the idea that abundance is a better way!

Abundance is Key

You can find that abundance is a better way and will truly unlock what you actually want in your life. So when we sit in abundance and when we act from abundance, we have access to creativity. Isn’t that what we want more in our lives.

We have access to problem solving skills. That’s powerful. And we also have access to gratitude when we are abundant. We need to be grateful. Now, some of you will say now aren’t those contradictory abundance and gratitude. And I am here to teach you a new principle — that abundance and gratitude go hand in hand!

There’s a phrase that my husband and I have been practicing the last little while, and it’s called “grateful abundance” because that’s where we want to live our lives from. We don’t want to live from fear and doubt and scarcity and self-pity and overwhelm and shame and stress. No, we are making a conscious choice.

In our family to live from grateful abundance — absolutely grateful for what we have and abundance in standing ready to receive whatever God has in store for us. So often we block out what we could have in our lives simply by believing it’s not true. So the first step to the road of abundance is questioning.

Believe the Unbelievable

If what you are thinking is really true is it is thinking that there’s only enough success or only enough money for some people. Is that really true? And I want to challenge you to try to believe that unbelievable your brain will say it’s unbelievable, but what if you just chose to believe the unbelievable?

Living in Abundance means trying on some new thoughts! That’s the first thing you can start with I’m going to give you some abundant thinking thoughts that I want you to just practice, believing the unbelievable. Okay. What if you believed. There will be something even better. If you feel like an opportunity didn’t present itself or that one door closed in your life.

What if you believed that truly, that you didn’t miss out on anything, but that there will be something so much better. Just try it. “There will be something so much better.” What about this? “I will always be able to find what I need.” So often we think we have a lack of money or resources. And if we could just try on believing the unbelievable of, “I will always find what I need” that is empowering.

What about “money is easy and fun”. And “I have what I need”. Most of us have this innate scarcity belief that money is hard or that money doesn’t flow abundance. And just, I want you to think about how that has served you in your life. I know it has not served me very well at all in my life. I definitely was raised with a scarcity mindset, especially around money.

And it has not served me very well at all. That’s why I have to practice being gratefully abundant. But what if you believed that “money is easy and it’s fun, and that you have exactly what you need”. See how that’s grateful and abundant at the same time. What if you believed about time, instead of saying, I never have enough time, what if you opened up to the possibility of, “I have the perfect amount of time” because you did. We all do! We all have the perfect amount of time and we just need to make decisions about how we spend that. But believing we don’t have enough time causes us to hurry and be rushed. And then guess what our result is.

It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy. Then we don’t have enough time, but what if you have the perfect amount of time, then you’re calm, you’re collected and you can get done what you need to interestingly. What about this unbelievable thought? “I get everything done that I’m supposed to do”.

That’s true. I do, and so do you, and if you could open your brain up to a new way of thinking, it will change your life. Another unbelievable thought is something similar “Fun is something that I create”. I don’t have to rely on anyone else to create fun for me right now, growing up in a small town, we totally had to create our own fun.

This is something I learned from an early age and that I didn’t need anyone or anything to entertain me or have fun. Do you truly believe that that fun is something that you create? What have you believed that unbelievable and thought that “there is plenty of success available”.

Even in a crowded market, there’s plenty of success available. Or instead of being jealous, what if you thought the thought, “if she can do that, then I can”. And instead of turning a comparison into, it means something that I won’t have or jealousy or being envious, we turn it into “that proves what is available for me”.

That seems unbelievable, but it’s true. What if you chose to just love your life? So many of us get caught in the trap of scarcity, that there’s never enough time, money, love, success, whatever it is. And then we hate our lives. What if you chose to love your life? That is being abundant. That is being abundant.

So that first thing to live in abundance is believing the unbelievable!

Create Win-Win Situations

The next piece of advice for living in abundance is to create win-win situations. So often our brain looks for win -lose situation. That someone is winning and someone is losing and we make that correlation over and over and over in our lives.

And I want you to make the conscious decision to look for situations that are win-win just to open up your mind to the possibility that your life in so many ways can be a win-win because of it. So believe the unbelievable by creating, win — win situations. And then I want you to just open up to abundance. I love the scripture that says for “the earth is full and there is enough to spare” — isn’t that a beautiful scripture! (D&C 104:17)

And I believe that to be true, that abundance comes from God and the Earth is full and there is enough to spare! But our brains are so closed minded that we just close ourselves off and just live in this scarcity mindset instead of opening up to the abundance mindset. So be open to abundance.

The earth is full and there is enough to spare, not just enough for everyone, but enough to spare there’s even more.

Ready to Receive

Another aspect of living in abundance that I find so fast and fascinating is that we need to be ready to receive. We have to be not only open to abundance. But ready to receive what comes our way in whatever form it may be.

And we need to be ready for that and not limit ourselves before we even start. Right. If we are telling ourselves these scarcity mindset, thoughts of there’s not enough, I don’t have enough. There will never be enough of whatever we close ourselves off immediately. And we just need to be ready to receive what God has in store for us be open and then receive it when it comes.

We’ve talked about this principle of gratitude and that gratitude and abundance actually go hand in hand because they do so when you’re living in abundance, gratitude is a key aspect. To practice gratitude genuinely and be deeply thankful for all that you have, because if we’re not grateful, then we’re not going to be open and ready to receive more.

But in that state of gratitude, we will, because we truly do have enough. All of us, we have enough time. We have enough money, we have enough success, we have enough life experiences. I love the scripture that says receive all things with thankfulness. Yay. Even one hundred fold. Yay. More that when we receive things with thankfulness, that we will be blessed with a hundred fold, Yea even more!

Be Willing to Give in Abundance

That tells me that abundance is a true principle and that we just need to be grateful and thankful for what we have. And then we will be able to receive more. All right, here is an essential element of abundance and that is to give, so in our abundance, we do not need to be selfish. We can be giving.

And be able to share what we have with others, be willing to give of your abundance, share your talents. The parable that the savior shares in the new Testament about the parable of the talents is so telling and remember the servant that just had one talent and that servant had a scarcity mindset. And what did he do with his talent, which in this case was money.

It was money. Talent was a money, a form of money. He buried it. He didn’t even keep it, keep it. And, and he wasn’t open to receiving more. It wasn’t open. He just hoarded it and buried it. And was he given any more? No, there was no increase. That is a very telling story and a true principle that the savior was trained to teach us to live in abundance and be open, be ready to receive, be thankful for what we have and then be ready to give.

Be ready and willing to give of whatever you’re blessed with. Is it your skills, is it your time, is it your money? Are you willing to give that to be able to live in this cycle of abundance? I hope that something that I have said today has stirred your heart a little. Because I know for me, just listening to the difference between scarcity worry, not enough, just missing out on the now and clingingness and over wealth and neediness that that’s not where I want to choose to live my life.

And I don’t think it’s where you want to choose to live your life from either. But there’s something greater is in store for you. And it’s all about abundance that you will have more than enough of whatever you need and be genuinely grateful and full of gratitude for the things that you have in your life and living with openness and gratitude, ready to receive.

Living in abundance also mean living in generosity and being ready to give abundance people. It will change your life. How do I know? Because it’s changed mine and I hoped that it will continue to change my life. And I know there’s a lot of mindset work that we need to do and old patterns and habits that we need to break. So I want you to do one thing for you.

I want you to choose one thought this week that you can practice the least. Believe the unbelievable, my friend, what can you practice the leaving this week to help you move out of scarcity and more into an abundance mindset. I can’t wait to see how living in abundance changes your life!

Ember Pilati is a Life and Relationship Coach, Podcaster and Speaker

Download her Free Mini-Course “I am Enough” at

Instagram: @emerge_empowered

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Ember Pilati - Life & Relationship Coach
Ember Pilati - Life & Relationship Coach

Written by Ember Pilati - Life & Relationship Coach

Ember Pilati is a Life Coach that helps women claim their own personal power and have flourishing relationships. Podcast: Emerge Empowered with Ember Pilati

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